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Power Speech

Power is obtained through strong leadership and growing a good following of people on your side. If you have a group of people that are willing to follow you and believe what you say, then you will be stronger and grow power. Without leadership qualities like passion, creativity, responsibility, and being able to inspire others, it can be very hard to gain power. Leadership makes all the difference in how well a group performs. Bad leadership is seen when leaders take dictatorial approaches, seek power at the expense of others, or are more in it for themselves than others. It is difficult for a leader is to persuade others to follow them. It can only be possible if leaders inspire others to become followers. Being able to motivate people to follow you is key. Strength is also important for being a leader. Being able to push through tough situations is key for leaders. This shows strength in what they do. When others see how strong a leader is, they will want to follow them, which will help grow power in the leader. Selflessness is also a needed quality as a leader. Being a leader to help others out over helping yourself is very important. Having the awareness of others in the work field that are struggling or striving will help the leaders create and innovate on opportunities. Leaders have to be unique, creative, and talented. Not everyone can be a leader, it takes talent. People want to see new ideas and new things. Leaders who demonstrate new ideas like solutions can attract people and grow power. Hitler was a great leader. He was what Germany needed at their time. He was there to help the people out when they needed it the most. He took initiative on helping out his country and stepping into the position as their leader. Power is in the people. Big numbers of people, big groups, and people behind your back supporting you is the most important part of obtaining power.


Plan for Satire Video- Hill Billys

We will start by having spit cups and playing country music.  ```````````````

gona ride atvs and dirtbikes. 

have jerky chew

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